
Located in the heart of Mavelikara, we pride ourselves on our excellent level of service, unparalleled attention to detail and exemplary staff who will ensure you get the very best care.

What is Radiology?

Dental Radiology are x-rays of your teeth that your dentist uses to evaluate your oral health. These are always low levels of radiation.

Dental radiographs assist in detecting hidden painful pathology, estimating the severity of dental conditions, assessing treatment options, providing intraoperative guidance, and also serve to monitor the success of prior treatments. Dental X-rays can spot trouble early on in your mouth, teeth, gums and jaw. Treating problems before they get serious can save money, pain and sometimes even your life.

The amount of radiation emitted from X-rays is extremely small. Advances in dentistry — such as X-ray machines that limit the radiation beam to a small area, are a few of the improvements that limit the amount of radiation patients receive

Radiology Doctors

Our dentists have extensive education and experience in a wide range of dental fields and treatments. We also have a team of dedicated and fabulous dental hygienists who are passionate about helping our patients have a positive, comfortable dental experience. Together, our dentists and team can provide you and your family with dental treatments of every kind, including cosmetic and general dentistry, endodontics, dental implants, oral surgery, and facial cosmetic procedures.

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